Thursday, 9 August 2012




JEETU RANA(roll no 39)

HEMANTH KUMAR(roll no 36)


          In this project work, an attempt has been made to plan and design a G+4 storied shopping complex building. This project work involves planning, analysis, designs, drawings and estimation of a typical multistoried building.

The salient features of the G+4 storied building are as given below the basement floor is 1.20m above the existing ground level. The shopping complex consists of G+4 floors with 3.60m ceiling height. The carpet area available in each floor is 1220sq.m.

This shopping complex having all facilities under one roof, designed with shops, Super market, Food court, Net point, Gym, Table tennis court, Coffee shop with ample car parking  etc, with very good water supply and sanitary arrangements.

           The planned five storey commercial building frame in modeled in STAAD Pro.Various load combinations are included in the frame analysis and the lateral loads are calculated by seismic coefficient method for the earthquake zone III with response reduction factor 3. The amount of concrete and steel required along with the total cost of the building is calculated.

          The structural design has been manually done. The estimate of the building is prepared on the basis of plinth area rate. Necessary structural drawings are enclosed at appropriate places. 

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                   Particulars                                          Page no                   Isometric view                                               22                   Loading diagram                                           23                   Shear force diagram                                       24                   Bending moment diagram                              25

4.3.2                      Slab layout                                                    35

4.3.3                      Reinforcement details for Flat slab                 36

4.4.2                      Reinforcement details for Two way slab        47

5.3.1                      Beam layout                                                   61

5.3.1                      Reinforcement details for Beam                     62

6.3.1                      Reinforcement details for Column                 68

7.2.1                      Combined footing plan                                  69

7.2.2                      Shear force and bending moment diagram     70

7.2.3                      Centre line layout                                           80

7.2.3                      Reinforcement details of combined footing   80

7.3.1                      Isolated footing plan                                      81

7.3.2                      Pressure diagram – 1                                     84

7.3.3                      Pressure diagram – 2                                     85

7.3.4                      One way shear plan                                       86

7.3.5                      Two  way shear plan                                      87

7.3.6                      Critical section plan                                       88

7.3.7                      Reinforcement details of Isolated footing       90

8.2.1                      Reinforcement details of staircase                  96


4.3.2                      For beams                                                      60



The following standard letters and symbols shall have the meaning indicated against each, where other symbols are used, they are explained at the appropriate places.

Ast      =               Area of steel in tension.

Asc     =        Area of steel in compression.

Asv    =        Area of vertical stirrups.

b        =        breadth of beam or shorter dimension of a    Column.

Bw     =        breadth of web or rib.

D       =        Over all depth of beam or slab; dimension of a rectangular

                    Column in the direction under consideration

Df      =        Thickness of flange.

DL     =        Dead load

d        =        Effective depth of beam or slab.

d’c     =        Depth of compression reinforcement from the highly

                    Compressed face                    

Ec      =        Modulus of elasticity of concrete.

fck      =        Characteristics compressive strength of concrete.

fy       =        Yield tensile strength of steel.

LL     =        Live load or imposed load.

Leff    =        Effective span of slab.

Lx      =        Length of shorter side slab.

Ly      =        Length of longer side of slab.

L        =        Length of a column or beam between adequate lateral

                     Restrains or the unsupported length of a column.                                                            

M       =        Bending moment.

M fd    =        Factored moment.

P u      =        Axial load on a compression member.

p        =        Percentage of steel reinforcement.

Sv       =        Spacing of stirrups

V       =        Shear force.

W      =        Total load.

Wd    =        Distributed dead load per unit area/length.

Wi     =        Distributed imposed load per unit area/length.

Z        =        Lever arm.

  V       =        Nominal shear stress.

  c        =        design shear stress

  c max               =            maximum Permissible shear stress.

σcbc    =        Permissible compressive stress in concrete.

σSt      =        Permissible tensile stress in steel.



                    Shopping and Entertainment is an important for each and every one. But they have short of time, so they need a shopping complex under one roof to save the valuable time.

1.2. LOCATION:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

                    We have decided to choose the site for the construction of shopping complex at Vadapalani in Chennai city.

                    The site accommodates the following special feature.

Ø Land is available in the centre of city.

Ø The site is located in main road.

Ø 24 hour transportation facilities available.

Ø Proposed site creates a pleasant environment of shopping.


          The   objective of this project is to satisfy the needs of people with in a single roof. In metropolitan cities like Chennai, Mumbai etc., we have only very limited areas which are sold at high cost. So we have to build buildings with in this limited area satisfying each of every need of the people. This project will help us to built buildings of that type. And this project is also designed in such a way that it would be economical.

The civil engineers have to think of construction of high raised structures, instead of the traditional type of reinforced concrete skeletal structure enclosed by thick walls of bricks or any other construction materials.

 A civil engineer must be familiar with planning, analysis and design of framed structures. Hence it was proposed to choose a problem, involving analysis and design of multistoried framed structure as the project work.


The proposed site is approximately flat. There fore no necessary to level the site.  Good soil having sufficient bearing capacity is available at shallow depth.


The proposed site accommodates the following important facilities.

Ø 24 hours Transport facilities are available.

Ø Drinking water facilities.

Ø Communication facilities.

Ø Electrical facilities.

Ø Police station.

Ø Nearest railway station available at Chennai Junction, which is located at 3Km from Vadapalani

Ø Underground drainage facilities available.



          The proposed   five-storied commercial building consist of area of each floor is 1220 sq.m A building should be planned to make it comfortable, economical and to meet all the requirements of the people. The efforts of the planner should be to obtain maximum comfort with limited available resources. Functional, utility, cost, habits, taste, requirements etc, should also be considered in planning a building. The planning of this multi- storied building is so planned to meet out all the above factors.


          In this floor Entrance foyer, Coffee shop, various Shops, Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With entrance foyer of 25 sq.m, coffee shop 120 sq.m, and 20 shops of 500 sq.m.


          In this floor various Shops, Super market, Food court, Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With super market and food court of 200 sq.m and shops of 300 sq.m


          In this floor Net point, Gym, Table tennis court, Snooker corner,  various Shops,  Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With Table tennis court and Snooker corner of 150 sq.m, net point of 220 sq.m, Gym 90 sq.m and shops of 150 sq.m.


          In this floor Office with Conference hall and store, Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With Office of 300 sq.m, conference hall of 80 sq.m,


          This should be located in a place easily accessible to all members. The minimum width of staircase should be 0.9m clear of railing and many ranges up to 1.5m. There should be a clear head –way of 2.1m above each step and landing. The staircase should be constructed in two flights having a landing in the middle to make it easy and comfortable to climb. Risers and traders should be uniform throughout to keep rhythm while climbing or descending. In our project, staircase at two corner portion to get more access to each floors.


          In our project, the commercial building each floor roof height is provided at 3.60m.


          For commercial buildings of one storey one brick, 23cm thick wall is sufficient, for two storied building wall of G.F may be one and half brick 30cm and 2nd floor wall may be one brick 23cm. in our project, the wall thickness provided as 23cm all around the building.


          The site for the construction was selected at the Chennai city. As it lies in the heart of the city with good water supply and underground drainage facilities and connected with good road facilities and surrounded with vegetation, gives a comfort living to the inmates and attracts demand.


          The G+4 storied commercial building is proposed to be constructed at as site heart of the town. The soil at the site is hard soil having a safe bearing of 250KN/m2 in Vadapalani. The size of the plot is 3000m2.


          Two pipe systems had been provided to remove and treat the sullage and human excreta, one septic tank were provided in the commercial building for economical and efficient treatment of waste.


          As water is one of the basic needs prime importance is given to planning of water supply systems. The quality of water is calculated as per IS 1172-1963. The water is supplied for the entire requirements form water tank under pressure. The tank is provided at the terrace of the building with a capacity of 50000 liters. The water form corporation main line is stored in the ground level sump and pumped to the over head tanks.


          The electrical installation shall generally be carried out in conformity with the requirements of Indian electricity act 1910 and Indian electricity rule 1956. Electrical conduits are providing adjacent to the lift room on either side of each floor. A generator is also proposed as standby. It will be used in operation of the lift also in case of power failure. Electrical installation includes electrical wiring consuming devices accessories fittings control and protective gear and other accessories associated with wiring situated on any premised. In this project all wiring are concealed type.


          In all buildings, sufficient automatic fire detecting and alarm facilities shall be provided, where necessary to warn out occupant existence of fire so that they may escape.



          STAAD Pro is structural software for the model development, analysis, design, verification and visualization of all aspects of structural engineering.

Following are the main options available

STAAD-Pro analysis and design

STAAD-PRE graphical input generation

STAAD-POST graphical post processing

STAAD- INTDES Interactive design of structural components

          STAAD –Pro performs analysis and design of structure. The process and analysis are done simultaneously. The input format con be created through CAD based input generators. The out put generated by STAAD Pro consists of numerical results for analysis and design. The communication with STAAD –Pro is through input file. The input file is a text file consisting of a series of commands. These commands are executed sequentially. The commands contain either instructions or data pertaining to analysis and design. STAAD –Pro most general application will be the space structure can be analyzing both frame and plate/shell elements. Any type of structure such as plane, truss, floor structure and space structure can be analyzed by STAAD-Pro. Most general application will be the space structure, which is three-dimensional, framed structure with loads applied in any plane. The input data and out put result are in engineering unit system MKS, SI and FPS.

          A structure is an assembly of individual components such as beams, columns, slab and plate etc., in general the term member will be such to refer to frame elements and the term element will be used to refer to plate/shell elements. Connectivity for members will be provided through member incidence command while connectivity for elements may be provided with the element incidence command.

          The material constants such as modulus of Elasticity, density, and poisons ratio are provided for the analysis of structure for the self-weight of the structure and also for calculating the shear modulus

          STAAD-Pro allows specifications for supports such as PINNED, FIXED, or FIXED with different releases.

          Loads on the structure can be specified as joint load, member load etc, STAAD-Pro can also generate self weight of the structure and use it as uniformly distributed member loads in analysis. Joints loads, both forces and moments may be applied at any joint of structure. Positive force act in the positive coordinate directions. The member loads may be uniformly distributed load, concentrated loads and linearly varying loads. A floor is subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Area load command can specify the unit load per unit square area for members. The program will calculate the tributary are for these member and provide proper member loads.

The following analysis facilities are available in STAAD-Pro.

Stiffness analysis

Second order analysis

Dynamic analysis

STAAD-Pro has the capabilities of performing concrete design base on IS: 456(2000) Based on limit state method. The following types of cross sections can be designed.

For beams-prismatic: rectangular and square.

For columns- prismatic: rectangular and square.

IS: 456(2000) these parameters can be changed to suit the particular design. The beam design is based on flexure, shear and torsion. The columns are designed for axial forces and biaxial bending moments at the ends.


3.2.1. MATERIAL:

Grade of reinforcement              : Fe415

Grade of concrete                      : M25

Density of concrete                    : 2500Kg/m3

3.2.2. LOADING:

Dead load:

          Partition wall and other external walls, floor finish etc., as per the provisions of IS: 875-1987(part I)

Superimposed load:

          As per the provisions of IS: 875-1987(part II)

          For Commercial Buildings (AL)       = 4.00 KN/m2

Seismic load

Dead load + part of live load     =        DL+0.5LL

3.2.3. CODES:

           Concrete design                        :         IS: 456-2000

            Steel design                             :         IS: 800-1984


Load factors:

For dead load                                       =        1.50

For live load                                                  =        1.50

The above partial safety factors are taken from IS: 456-2000

Material safety factor:

For reinforcement steel                        =        1.15

For concrete                                         =        1.50


Dead load:

At any floor level except ground floor (per m width)

Load from slab                          =        0.15 x 23.5       = 3.525 KN/m2 (assuming 150mm thickness)

Partitions (G.F)                          =        0.23 x 4.20 x 20 =19.32 KN/m

Partitions (F.F TO F.F)              =        0.23 x 3.00 x 20 =13.80 KN/m

Partitions (Terrace floor)           =        0.23 x 1.00 x 20 =4.60 KN/m

Floor finishes                             =        1.00 KN/m2

Floor finishes (Terrace floor)     =        2.00 KN/m2

B) Live load

For Commercial Buildings        =         4.00 KN/m2

C) Seismic load

Dead load + part of live load     =        DL+0.5LL



          The stiffness analysis implemented in STAAD is based on the matrix displacement method. In the matrix analysis of structure is first idealized into an assembly of discrete structure components (frame members).Each component has an assumed from of displacement in a manner which satisfies the force equilibrium and displacement compatibility at the joints.

          Structural systems such as slabs, which transmit loads in 2 directions, have to be discredited into a number of 3 to 4 notes connected to each other at their nodes. Loads may be applied in the form of distributed loads on the elements as well as the plate be bending effects are taken into consideration in the analysis.

For a complete analysis of the structure, the necessary matrices are generated on the basis of the following assumptions.

The structure is idealized into an assembly of beam and solid type elements jointed together at their vertices (nodes). The assemblage is loaded and reacted by concentrated loads acting at the nodes. These loads may be both forces and moments which may act in my specified direction.

A beam member is a longitudinal structural member having a constant, doubly symmetric or near – doubly symmetric cross section along its length. Beam members always carry axial forces. They may also be subjected to shear and bending in two arbitrary perpendicular planes, and they may also be subjected to torsion. From this point these beam members are referred to as “members” in the manual.

A slab is a three or four nodded planar element having variable thickness. A solid element is a 4 to 8 nodded three dimensional element. These slab and solid elements are to as “elements” in the manual.

Internal and external loads acting on each node are in equilibrium. If torsion or bending properties are defined for any member, six degrees of freedom are considered at each node (i.e. three translational and three rotational) in the generation of relevant matrices. If the member is defined as truss member (i.e. carrying only axial forces) then only the tree degrees (translational) of freedom are considered at each node.

Two types of coordinate systems are used in the generation of the required matrices and are referred to as local and global systems.

Local coordinate axes are assigned to each individual element and are oriented such that computing effort for element stiffness matrices are generalized and minimized.


Concrete design is performed on some members of a space frame structure. Design calculations consist of computation of reinforcement for beams and columns.

In our building represents a space frame and the members are made of concrete. The inputs will show the dimensions of the members.


Every input has to start with the word STAAD. The word SPACE signifies that the structure is a space frame structure (3-D) and the geometry is defined through all X, Y and Z coordinates. VEIW DIAGRAM FORCE DIAGRAM OF INTERIOR




          When the slab supported on all four edges, the load is transferred to all the four supports and therefore, the bending and deflection in such slabs are considerably less then those in slabs supported an all the four supports. The corners get lifted up when the slab is loaded, in case the corners held down, the deflection in the central portions are further reduced and thus the bending moment are reduced in such slabs. When the corners are held down due to monolithic constructions of the slab with edge beams their will be torsion reinforcement is to be provided. The bearing moments are calculated added on the edge condition and loads. Bending moment is obtained in our design.

          If Mx and My are the maximum bending moments per unit width in the middle strip of the slab in the short and long span respectively then

Mx = αxW.l x

My = αy W.l x

          Where and are coefficients depending the ratio ly/lx

In each direction of the main bars alternate bars will be bent up at one seventh of the span.

          The slab for design is classified in to s1, s2, s3 and s4 in floor slabs. The edge condition is considered and thickness of the PT slab bound to be 150mm.

          Live load on roof is taken as 4.0KN/m2. When access not provided and 1KN/m2.  Dead loads of slab, weathering course and weight of walls are other load consideration.

All slabs are designed as two way slabs based on ly/lx ratio, 10mm dia bars are provided in both direction.


          Limit state of Design is a further improvement of ultimate load design in the limit state methods a structure is designed to with stand all loads like to act on it in the duration of its life span and also to satisfy the service requirements like deflection and limitation of crack width, limit means an acceptable limit, for the safety and serviceability requirements before anything can occur.

          The design provides a condition that the structure will not become unfit for use for which it is meant or in other words the structure will not reach a limit state.

          The entire limit state  that are relevant are considered in the design to ensure an adequate degree of safety and serviceability, the structure in general shall be designed on the basis of the most critical state and shall also be checked for other limit states.


The design on limit state of collapse provides the necessary safety of the structure against partial or total collapse of the structure.


          This limit state is introduced to prevent objectionable deflection and cracking.










           Characteristics load means the value of the load, which has a 95 percent probability of not being exceeded during the life of the structure.

Characteristics load is the weight of the structure itself. Characteristic live load and wind load are taken as per IS875-1964 characteristic seismic loads are taken as per 1873-1975.


          The object of limit state design is the guarantee adequate safety consistent with economy against the structure being rendered unfit for service due to cracking, deflection, failure and such other cases. A limit sate corresponds to each of the states in which the structure becomes unfit.



                    From the STAAD Pro Analysis done we obtain the maximum positive moment, maximum negative moment and maximum shear force from these the beams are designed manually.

Maximum moments and shear forces




5.2. DESIGN OF BEAMS BY MANUAL (Beam No: 303):

Step - 1

Width of Beam      =        300 mm

Over all depth of Beam    =        600m

Thickness of slab, Df       =        150mm

Breadth of web, bw                         =        300mm

Concrete grade                 =        M25

Steel grade                       =        Fe415

Step – 2: 

Bending moment and shear force

Negative moment @ interior support             =       170.806 kNm

Positive moment @ centre of span                 =        367.60 kNm

Maximum shear force at its support, Vu         =        224.952 kN

Limiting moment of Resistance

Mulimit          =        0.138fck bd2

                                        =        0.138 x25x300x5502

Mulimit          =        313.088 kNm

Mu limit         <        Mumax

Hence the section is designed for doubly reinforced.

Mu2               =        367.60-313.088

=        54.512kN.m

Ast calculation:

                    Mu                =       0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fyAst/fckbd))

313.088x106          =        0.87 x 415 x Ast x 550 (1- (415 x

Ast / 25x300x550))

          313.088 x 106            =        198577.5 Ast – 19.978 Ast2

                              Ast1              =        1965.19 mm2

Use 25mm dia bars

No of bars required         =        Ast / ast = 1965.19 / ((π/4) x 252)

                                        =        4.00   Say    4 nos

Main reinforcement (excess reinforcement Positive)

                              Mu1    =       0.87 fyAst2(d-d’)

                    54.512x 106 =        0.87 x 415 x Ast2 x (550-50)

                    54.512 x 106 =        180525 Ast2

                              Ast                =        301.97 mm2

No of bars required         =        Ast / ast

=        301.96 / ((π/4) x 252)

                                        =        0.62   Say    1 nos

Provide 5 nos of bars #25 at the Bottom tension face at centre of span section.

Asc calculation:-

Main reinforcement (Negative)

                              Mu       =       fsc Asc (d-d’)

                    d’/d              =        50/550         =0.09

                    fsc                         =            353.40N/m2

                    170.806x 106 =      353.40 x Asc x (550-50)

                              Ast                =        966.64 mm2

No of bars required         =        Ast / ast =      966.64 / ((π/4) x 252)

                                        =        1.97   Say    2 nos

Provide 2 Nos of bars #25 at the top tension face near support

Shear reinforcement:-

Maximum shear force V  =        224.952kN

          حv       =        (Vu/bd)=      (224.952x 103) / (300 x 550)

                    =        1.36 N/ mm2                                        

Pt       =        (100 Ast/b d) =     100 x ((2945.24) / (300x550))

                    =        1.78%

From table no: 19 in IS 456 - 2000

  حc     =        0.785 N/mm2

          حv    > ح  c   (i.e.) 1.19N/mm2 > 0.785 N/mm2

Hence shear reinforcement are required.

Excess shear force,

                    Vus               =        Vu – ح c bd

                                                            =            224.952 x 103 – (0.785x 300 x 550)

                    Vus               =        95427 N

Assume # 10mm, 2 legged vertical stirrups are used

                    Asv               =        2 x (π / 4) x102 = 157.08 mm2             

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)            

                    Sv                 =        0.87 fy Asvd / Vus

                                        =      0.87 x 415 x 157.08 x 550 / 95427                           Sv                 =        326.87 mm  c/c

i)                Sv min                 =        0.87 x fy x Asv / (0.4 x b)

               Sv min =        0.87 x 415 x 157.08 / (0.4 x 300)

                              =        472.60 Say = 470 mm

ii)              0.75 x 550        =        412.5 mm

300mm whichever is minimum

Provide 10mm # @ 2 legged vertical stirrups at 300 mm c/c at near support gradually increasing to 400 mm towards the centre of span

Check for deflection:-

At centre of span

                    Pt                 =        100 Ast / (bxd)       =        1.78%

Modification factor

fs                  =0.58 x 415 x 2460.04/ 2945.24         =        201.05 N/mm2

                    M.F    =        0.95

Neglecting bars in compression side

                    Kc                =        1

                    L/d max       =        L/d basic x Kt x Kf

                                        =        26 x 0.95 x 1.00 x1.00

                                        =        24.70

                    L/d actual     =        5230 / 550   =        9.51

                    24.70 > 9.51

Hence defection control is safe.


B E A M N O.     303   D E S I G N  R E S U L T S

M25                    Fe415 (Main)               Fe415 (Sec.)

LENGTH:  5230.0 mm   SIZE:   300.0mmX600.0mm COVER: 25.0 mm


   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION   0.0 mm   1307.5 mm 2615.0 mm 3922.5 mm     5230.0 mm


    TOP        2200.78        558.91        347.17        727.92       2286.55.94

   REINF.   (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)

   BOTTOM    931.11        649.39        482.25        937.02       1255.85

   REINF.   (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)      (Sq. mm)


                        SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA


 SECTION   0.0 mm 1307.5 mm  2615.0 mm   3922.5 mm     5230.0 mm

   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOP       3-32í         3-32í         3-32í         3-32í         3-32í

   REINF.   1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)

BOTTOM     3-20í         3-20í         3-20í         3-20í         4-20í

   REINF.   1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)    1 layer(s)

SHEAR   2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í

 REINF. @190 mm c/c@190 mmc/c@190mmc/c 190mmc/c@190mmc/c




VY =   195.79 MX =     0.01 LD=   13

Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 190 mm c/c


VY = -186.21 MX =     0.00 LD=   12

Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 190 mm c/c.



                    From the STAAD Pro Analysis done we obtain the maximum positive moment, maximum negative moment and maximum shear force from these the beams are designed manually.

Maximum moments and shear forces

Beam  node    Env     Fx           Fy             Fz        Mx      My        Mz

                                 kN           kN           kN       kNm     kNm       kNm

231       86                +ve    3513.2         94.90        100.4                  1.33                 277.73 233.99

                       -ve   -63.88      -104.1                     -114.8                 -1.32   -248.0     -253.11



Beam size                        =       450 x 450mm       

Concrete grade                 =        M25

Steel grade                       =        Fe415

Factored load Puz             =        2477.56kN

Factored Moment Muz      =        11.747kN.m

         Muy     =        262.42kN.m

Moments due to minimum eccentricity are less than the values given above

Reinforcement is distributed equally on four sides

As a first trail assume the reinforcement P     = 3.75

                                        P/fck                        = 3.75/25 = 0.15

Uniaxial moment capacity of the section about XX and YY axis

Effective cover      d’       =        cover +dia of rod/2

                                        =        40+25/2 = 52.5mm

Effective depth      d        =        450-25-(25/2)

                              d        =        412.50mm

                              D       =        450mm

d’/D             =        52.5/450

=        0.1167

Check for d’/D 0.15 will be used

Pu/fck bd                 =        2477.56 x 103/ (25 x 450 x


                                                            =        0.49

Referring to chart45

Mu/ fck bd2              =        0.135

Mux1 = Muy1           =        0.135 x 25 x 450 x 4502

                                                            =        307.55kN.m

Calculation of Puz:-

Referring to chart63 corresponding to

P        =        3.75, fy = 415, fck = 25.

Puz/ Ag         =        22.70Ag

                                        =        22.70 x450 x 450/1000   =4596.75kN

Pu/Puz           =        2477.56/4596.75             =0.556

Muy/Muy1      =        262.42/341.72                 =0.77

Mux/Mux1      =        262.42/341.72                 =0.77

Referring the chart 64 by the permissible value of Mux/Mux1 corresponding to the above value of Muy/Muy1and Pu/Puz is equal

                              As      =        3.75 x 450 x 450 / 100

=        7593.75mm2

Assume 25mm # rod

          16nos. of 25mm # provided

                              As      =        7853.98mm2

                              P        =        7853.98/ (450 x 450) x 100

=        3.88

With the % the function may be reached as follows

P/ fck =        3.88/25 = 0.1552

Reffering to chart 45

                    Mu/ fck bd2   =        0.155

Mux1 = Muy1 =       0.155 x 25 x 450 x 4502

                                        =        353.11kN.m

Referring the chart 63

Puz/ Ag         =        23 Ag

                                        =        23 x 450 x 450/1000

=        4657.50kN

Pu/Puz           =        2477.56/4657.50   =0.53

Muy/Muy1      =        262.42/353.11       =0.74

Mux/Mux1      =        262.42/353.11       =0.74

Corresponding to the above of value of Muy/Muy1 and Pu/Puz the permissible value of Mux/Mux1 0.68 is equal

                              Hence the section is ok.

Design of lateral ties:-

Dia     =        25/4   = 6.25mm

Dia 8mm which one is greater

I.e. dia = 8mm.

Pitch of lateral ties

P        = Least Lateral Dimension          = 450mm

P        = 16 x 25     = 400mm

P        = 300mm

Whichever is less

Provide 8mm # 300mm c/c as lateral ties.



                    The outer Column footings are designed as Isolated footings where as the Inner column footings are designed as Combined footings. In these combined footings the two adjacent columns are combined in the Z axis direction. From the STAAD Pro  analysis done we obtain the Axial load for the designing of footing

7.2 Design of combined footing: - (Node No: 89 and 91)

Axial load Pu1        =        3900.68 say 4000kN

Axial load
Pu2         =        3938.35 say 4000 kN

Bearing capacity of soil             =        250 kN/m2

To find length of footing

Taking moment about B,

4000 x 6.5 + 172 + 160   =        8000 X

                    X                 =        3.29m

Taking AB                       =        0.75m                                                  7.2.1plan

Total length up to CG from A    =3.29m+0.75m


Length of footing                      =        2(m+n)

                                        =        2(0.75+3.29) = 8.08m

Length of projection CD            =        0.83m

Taking 10% of total weight as self weight of foundation

Bearing area required                 =        (8000+800) / 250

                                                            =        35.20 m2

Width of foundation                  =        35.20 / 8.08

                                                            =        4.36 m say 4.50m

Footing Area                   =        8.08 x 4.50 = 36.36 m2

Net upward soil pressure           =        8000 / 36.36

=        220.02kN/m2        

Net upward soil pressure           <        safe bearing capacity

                              220.02 kN/m2        <        250 kN/m2

                    Hence safe.

Bearing area per meter length    =        220.02 x 4.50

=        990.09kN/m2

To find Shear force,

SF @ A                 =0

SF @ B left            =742.57kN

SF @ B right         =-3257.43kN

SF @ C left            =3178.15 kN

SF @ C right         =-821.85 kN

SF @ D                 =        0                                     

To find shear force at Zero                         7.2.2.SFD &BMD

4000 – (0.75 x 990.09) – 990.09x = 0

                              X       =        3.29m

To find Longitudinal bending moment:-

Maximum hogging Bending moment,

M max           =        990.09 x 4.042 / 2 – 4000x3.29– 172

                                        =        -5252.08 kNm

Max sagging Bending moment:-

At Support, B

Mx                         =        990.09 x 0.75 2/ 2 -172  

=        106.46kN.m

At support C,

Mu                         =        990.09 x 0.832 / 2           

=        341.04kN.m

To find transverse reinforcement:-

We take footing in ‘X’ axis is isolated, then finding the maximum bending moment,

Pu1               =        net upward ultimate pressure under

column 1

                                        =        P1/B = 4000 / 4.5

=        888.89 kN/m

Mu1              =        Pu1 (0.5B – 0.5b) 2 / 2

                                        =        888.89 (0.5 x 4.50 – 0.5 x 0.45)2 / 2

                                        =        1822.50 kN.m

Pu1               =        net upward ultimate pressure under

column 2

Pu2               =        P2 / B = 4500 / 4.5

=        888.89kN/m

          Mu2              =        Pu2 (0.5B – 0.5b) 2 / 2

                                        =        888.89 (0.5 x 4.50 – 0.5x 0.45)2 / 2

                                        =        1822.50kNm

Effective thickness calculation

Based on longitudinal moment,

                    b                  =        width of the longitudinal beam

=        4500mm

                    d 2                =        (5252.08 x 106) / (0.138 x 25 x 4500)

                    d                  =        581.63 mm say 600mm

Over all depth D    =        650mm

For effective thickness based on maximum transverse moment under column C1,

                    b                  =        width of transverse beam under column C1

=        pedestal dimension along the width of transverse beam + effective depth of footing slab 

=        550 + d mm

0.138 fck bd2                    =        Mu

0.138 x 25 x (550 + d)d2 =        1822.50 x 106       

3.45(550+d)d2                         =        1822.50 x 106

(1897.50 + 3.45d)d2        =        1822.50 x 106

3.45d3 +1897.50d2– 1822.50 x 106     =        0

                                                  d        =        660.58mm. Say 670mm

Total depth of Footing     =       730 mm

For effective thickness of footing based on maximum transverse moment under column C2

                    b        =        width of transverse beam under column C2

=        pedestal dimension along the width of transverse beam + 2 x effective depth of footing slab

=        550 + 2d

3.45(550+2d) d2   =        1822.50 x 106

(1897.50+6.90d) d2         =        1822.50 x 106

1897.50d2 + 6.90 d3 – 1822.50 x 106  =        0

                    d        =        561.82mm Say 570mm

Total depth of footing      =        630mm

Thickness of footing based on shear:-

The effective thickness of footing may be determined by considering that the shear is resisted without shear reinforcement as follows,

                              Vumax =        c b.d

                              d        =        Vumax / c b

For one way Shear:-

Vumax = Max ultimate shear at the section at distance‘d’

    from the inner face of pedestal of column C2.

                              =3178.15 – 990.09d

                    bo       =        B        =        4500mm

                    vu     =        shear strength of concrete in foundation slab

=        Ks which may taken as 1.0, and shear strength of concrete which may be taken as its minimum value of 0.25 N/mm2

                              =        0.25 N/mm2

dx1000        =        (3178.15 – 990.09d) x 1000 / (0.25 x 4500)

          1125000d    =        3178.15 x103 – 990.09x103 d

                    d        =        1.50 m        

=        1500mm. Say 1540mm

Over all depth        =        1600mm     

For two way shear under column C1,

Vumax                     =        ultimate punching shear on critical

Section at a distance of half effective depth of foundation slab form the face of pedestal

=        Pu1 – Pu (lp1 + 0.5d) (b+d)

Where Pu               =        Ultimate upward soil pressure

                              =        8000 / (8.08 x 4.50)

=        220.02 kN/m2

                    Vumax =        4000 – (220.02(0.45 + 0.5d) (0.45 + d)

                              =        4000 – 44.554 – 148.51d – 110.01d2

                    Vumax =        3955.446 – 148.51d – 110.01d2

                    bo      =        2(0.45 + d) + 0.5 + d      

=        1.4 + 3d

حuc     =        0.25 fck =  0.25 25

=        1.25 N/mm2

          Where .τc     =        Ks. τc,          Ks = 1,        τc = 0.25 fck

                    حv       =        Vu/bd

                    d        =        Vu/bحv

          dx1000        =        (3955.446 – 148.51d – 110.01d2) x 1000 /

(1.25 x (1.4 + 3d) x 1000)

(1.75 + 3.75d) dx106       =        (3955.446 – 148.51d – 110.01d2) X 1000

                              d        =        0.358 m       =358mm Say 360mm

          Total depth            =        420mm

For two way shear under column C2

                    Vumax =        Pu2 – Pu (lp2 + d) (bp2 + d)

                                        =        4000 – 220.02 (0.45+d) (0.45+d)

                                        =        4000 – 44.554 – 198.02d – 220.02d2

                    Vumax =        3955.446 – 198.02d – 220.02d2

                              bo       =        2(0.45 + d+0.45+d)

                                        =        1.80 + 4d

                              حv       =        Vu/bd

                              d        =        Vu/bحv

1000d                    =        (3955.446 – 198.02d – 220.02d2)1000

                                        1.25 X (1.80 + 4d) x 1000

(2.25 + 5d) dx106 =        (3955.446 – 198.02d- 220.02d2)1000

                              d        =        1136mm say 1140mm

Over all depth        =        1200mm

Therefore the thickness of footing is governed by two way shear

                    d = 1140mm, D = 1200mm, d = 1200 – 60 = 1140mm

The base of the footing is provided at a depth of 1300mm


The bottom reinforcement for transverse moments is placed below the bottom reinforcement for longitudinal moment. Distribution reinforcement in transverse direction.

                                        =        0.12% of gross sectional area

                                        =        (0.12 / 100) x1000 x 1300

                                        =        1560mm2                                             Provide 20mm # @ 200mmc/c

Use 20mm φ rods

                    Spacing        =        (314.15 / 1560) x 1000

                                        =        201.38mm say 200mm

1)     3d = 3 x 1240 = 3720mm

2)    And  mm300

Which ever is minimum

Provide 20mm #@200mmc/c

Ast Calculation:-

Longitudinal span moment:-

Mu    = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fyAst/fck bd))

5252.08 x 106 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 1240 (1- (415 x Ast / 25x4500x1240))

5252.08 x 106 = 447702 Ast – 1.33 Ast2

               Ast      = 12171.28mm2

Provide min Ast

                              =        0.12% of gross sectional area

                              =        (0.12 / 100) x4500 x 1240        =6696mm2

Ast per meter length         =        (12171.28 / 4.5) = 2704.73mm2          /m     

Use 25 mm φ rods

                    Spacing        =        (490.57 / 2704.43) x 1000

                                        =        181.49 mm Say 180 mm c/c

Provide 25mm # @ 180mmc/c

Support moment:-

                              Mu      =       0.87 fy Ast d (1- (fyAst/fckbd))

          341.04 x 106               =        447702 Ast – 1.33 Ast2

                                             Ast      =        763.49 mm2 < 6696 mm2

Ast per meter length         =        (6696 / 4.5) =1488mm2/m                 

Use 20 mm φ rods

                    Spacing        =        (314 / 1488) x 1000

                                        =        211.13 mm Say 200 mm c/c

Provide 20mm # @ 200mmc/c

Transverse moment under column C1:-

Mu    = 0.87 fyAstd(1- (fyAst/fckbd))

                    b                  =bf +d         =450 + 1240 = 1690mm

1822.50 x 106            =        0.87 x 415 x Ast x 1240 (1- (415 x Ast /           25x1190x1240))

                                                       Ast      =        4211.42mm2 

Ast per meter length         =        (4211.42 / 1.69)

                                        =        2491.96mm2/m> 1488mm2      

Use 25 mm φ rods

                    Spacing        =        (490.87 / 2491.96) x 1000

                                        =        196.98 mm Say = 190 mm c/c

Provide 25mm # @ 190mmc/c

Transverse moment under column C2:-

Mu                =       0.87 fyAstd(1- (fyAst/fckbd))

                    b        =bf +2d=      450 + (2x1240) = 2930mm

7822.50 x 106            =        0.87 x 415 x Ast x 1240 (1- (415 x Ast /


                                        Ast      =        4149.26mm2 

Ast per meter length         =        (4149.64 / 2.93)

                                        =        1416.26mm2/m<  1488mm2     

Use 20 mm φ rods

                    Spacing        =        (314.15 / 1488) x 1000

                                        =        211.13 mm Say = 200mm c/c

Provide 20mm # @ 200mmc/c



Axial load                                            =        1541.4kN say 1800kN

Moment, Mx                                        =        141.271 kN

Moment, Mz                                         =        -141.19kN

Safe bearing capacity of soil                =        250kN/m2   

Area required for foundation               =        1800 / 250

                                                            =        7.2m2

               Area required         =        LxB

                    BxB             =        7.2m2

                    B2                =        7.2m2

                    B                  =        2.68m

                    L                  =        2.68m

Length required               =        2.68 m                   7.2.

Breadth required              =        2.68 m                             7.3.1. Plan

Length provided              =        2.70 m

Breadth provided             =        2.70m

Original area                    =        2.70m x 2.70m

=        7.29 m2

Column size:-

Length                   =        0.45m

 Width                   =        0.45m         

Self weight of the footing:-

Unit weight of concrete                       =        25.00kN/m3

Depth below Ground level                   =        2.40m

Depth of footing @ face of column     =        1.00m

Depth of footing @ Edge of footing    =        0.30m

Volume of footing:-

Volume of frusta of pyramids and concrete,

= (1.00 – 0.30) / 3 ((0.45 x 0.45) + (2.70x 2.70) +                            (0.45 x 0.45 x 2.70 x 2.70)


Volume of flat portion               =        2.7 x 2.7 x 0.30     = 2.187m3

Total volume of concrete                                                   = 3.746m3

Weight of footing                      =        3.746 x 25             =93.65kN

Self weight of soil above footing:

Self weight of soil                      =        18kN/m3

Volume of column portion (0.45x0.45x1.5)                      =0.303 m3

Volume of soil portion (2.7 x 2.7x2.40) - (3.746 +0.303))         = 13.447m3

Weight of soil portion      =        13.447 X 18                              =242.05kN

Total load                        =        Pu + self wt of footing + self wt of soil

                                        =        1800 + 93.65 + 242.05

                              p        =        2135.70 kN

Soil pressure with weight of footing and weight of soil above footing:

Zx                                              =        2.7 x (2.7) 2 / 6 = 3.28 m3

Zz                                               =        2.7 x (2.7) 2 / 6 = 3.28 m3

Soil Pressure                              =        P /A ± Mx / Zx ± Mz /Zz

Pmax                                           =        2135.70 / (2.7x2.7) +

(141.27/3.28) + (141.19 / 3.28)

                                                  =        379.08kN/m2

Pmin                                            =        2135.70 / (2.7x2.7) –

(141.2x3.28) - (141.19 / 3.28) 

=            206.85kN/m2        

Soil pressure without weight of footing and weight of soil above footing:

Soil Pressure                              =        P /A ± Mx / Zx ± Mz /Zz

Pmax                                           =        1800 / (7.29) + (141.25/3.28) +


                                                  =        333.00kN/m2

Pmin                                            =        1800 / (7.27) - (141.27/3.28)

 - (141.19/3.28)

                                                  =        160.84kN/m2

Net safe bearing capacity of soil                    =250kN/m2

Consider SBC can be increased by 50%        =1.50 x 250 =375kN/m2

Can be increased by Depth of soil x density  =2.40 x 18 = 43.20 kN/m2

Allowable safe Bearing capacity of the soil    =375+43.20=418.20kN/m2

P max is less than SBC,

 Hence it is safe.

Design of Isolated footing:-

Soil pressured without weight of footing:-

Pmax             =        333.00 kN/m2

Pmin              =        160.824 kN/m2                             7.3.2 pressure diagram A Pressure along ‘Z’ direction

Soil pressure along ‘z’     =        P /A ± Mz / Zz

Pmax                                 =        1800 / (2.7x2.7) + (14.146 / 3.28)

                                        =        289.95kN/m2

Pmin                                  =        1800 / (2.7x2.7) - (141.19 / 3.281)

                                        =        203.88kN/m2

Pressure along ‘X’ direction

Soil pressure along ‘x’     =        P /A ± Mx / Zx

Pmax             =        1800/ (2.7x2.7) + (14.146 / 3.28)

                                        =        289.98 kN/m2

Pmin              =        1800 / (2.7x2.7) - (14.146 / 3.28)

                                        =        203.86kN/m2

Upward soil pressure at A       

=        203.86 + (203.06 – 289.98)

2.7 x (2.7 -1.125)

                    =        252.56kN/m2

Over all depth of face of column=1000mm

          Clear cover            =        60mm                          7.3.2 pressure diagram B

          Dia of bar assumed=        12.00 mm

          Effective depth      =        1000 – 60 – (12/2)

                                        =        964.00mm

Mux              =        Pnu (L-a / 2 x B) x (L-a /4)

                    =        252.56((2.7-.0.45) / 2) x 2.7) x (2.7 – 0.45)/ 4

                    =        431.52kNm

Muy              =        Pnu (L) x (B-b) 2 / 8

                    =        252.56 x 2.7 x ((2.7-0.45)2 / 8)

                    =        431.52kNm

Maximum Bending moment @ face of column = 431.52 kNm

Thickness of footing required against bending moments:-

Mumax          =        Qubd2

431.52 x 106=        0.138 x25x 2700x d2

          d        =        215.23mm Say 220mm            

          D       =        220+ 60         =      280mm

Upward soil pressure at B           =       203.86 + (203.06 – 289.98) / 2.7

 X (2.7 -1.125-0.45)

                                                   =       240.102kN/m2

Mux = Muy    =        Pnu Lx ((B-b) 2/ 8)

                                                  =        240.102 x 2.7 x (2.7-0.45)2 / 8

=        410.24kNm

Maximum Bending moment @ face of column =    410.24kNm

Thickness of footing required against bending moments:-

Mumax          =        Qubd2

410.24 x 106=        0.138x25x2700 xd2

d        =         (410.24 x 106) / 0.138x25x2700

          =        209.85 mm say220mm

D       =        220 + 60     

=        280mm                                            7.3.2 one way shear plan

Check for Effective depth required against shear:-

The critical section of shear is taken at a distance of‘d’ from the pedestal

                    Vu max          =Pu B ((L-a)/2) –d)

=252.56 x 2.70 x (2.70- 0.45) /2 –d)

                                        =681.912(1.125 –d)

Vumax =767.15 – 681.91 d

The total shear stress induced at critical section is resisted by the shear stress, developed by concrete section,

                    حcu        =        Ks.   حc        

                    Ks      =        0.5 + βc

                              =        0.5 + (0.45 /0.45)

                              =        1.50 >1

                    Ks      =        1

                      حc       =        0.25 fck    

                    =        1.25N/mm2                  7.3.2 critical section plan

                     حcu       =        1x1.25

=        1.25N/mm2

حvu               =        (Vumax/bd)            

                              حvu               =        (767.15 – 681.91d)/2700 x d

                                حvu               =             حcu

                                             1.25x103      =        (767.15 – 681.91d)/2.70d

                                        d        =        0.189m

                                        d        =        189 mm 

                                        D       =        250mm

Check for Effective depth required against two way shear (or) punching shear. The critical section of two way shear is taken at a distance of d/2 around form the pedestal

Vumax =       Pnu ((LxB – (a+d) (b+d))

=        252.56(2.70x2.70 –


=        252.56(7.088-d2-0.9d)         7.3.3 Two way shear plan     =          1719.27 – 218.30d – 252.56 d2

vu               =        (Vumax)/(2(a+d)+2(b+d))d)       

                    =        1719.27 – 218.30d – 252.56 d2 /

                              (2(0.45+d) +2(0.45+d)) x d

1.25 x 103 (1.8d + 4d2)    =        1719.27 – 218.30d – 252.56 d2

5252.56 d2 + 2468.30 d – 1719.21     =        0                                         

                                        d                  =        384mm say 390mm

                                        D                 =        450mm                                      Provide maximum depth  d        =        450mm                                     

Reinforcement along x direction:-

                    Mu                =       0.87 fy Astd(1- (fyAst/fck bd))

431.52 x 106               =        0.87 x 415 x Ast x 390(1- (415 x

Ast / 25x2700x390))

                                                       Ast      =        3228.94mm2

Provide 20mm dia bars.

No of bar                         =        3228.94 / ((π /4) x 202)  

                                        =        10.28 nos Say 11nos

Reinforcement along y direction:-

                    Mu                =       0.87 fy Astd(1- (fyAst/fckbd))

431.52 x 106               =        0.87 x 415 x Ast x 390(1- (415 x

Ast / 25x2700x390))

                                                       Ast      =        3228.94mm2

Provide 20mm dia bars.

No of bar                         =        3228.94 / ((π /4) x 202)  

                                        =        10.28 nos Say 11nos

Provide 20mm dia bars 11nos in both directions.



          Stairs consist of steps arranged in series for purpose of giving access to different floors of building. Location of stair requires good and careful consideration.

          Two – dog – legged – case is arranged for entire building i.e. one near the entrance and one in the rear face.



Imposed uniform distributed load on staircase =      4kN/m2

The flight slab and landing span longitudinally

Weight of brick steps                                     =        20 kN/m3

Arrangements of stairs:-

Vertical height between the floors                  =        3.60m 

=         3600mm

Assuming rise of step as 150mm

No of risers                                                    =       3600/150

=        24Nos

No of flights = 2 (Dog legged stair)

Riser per flight                                               =        24/2  

=        12Nos

Providing tread as 300mm

Going in each flight                                       =       11 x 300           

 =       3300mm

Width of landings                                           =       4800 – 3300                                                                                          =       1500mm

Providing a clear gap of 300mm between the two flights.

Width of flights                                             =        2350mm

Effective span:-

Effective span of flight                        = c/c distance of support

                                                            =1.5 + 3.3 + 0.3

= 5.10m


Assume the thickness of waist slab and landing 180mm

Self weight of waist slab per m2 of sloped area

=        1 x 0.20 x 25 =      5.0 kN

Self weight of waist slab per m2 of plan area                    

                    =        4.5 x  (0.32 + 0.152) / 0.3        = 5.03kN

Weight of steps per m2 of plan area

                    =        1000/300 x ½ x 0.3 x 0.15 x 1 x 20    =        1.5kN

Imposed load per m2 of plan area        =       4kN

Total load on waist portion                  =        4 + 1.5 + 5.03                                                                              =        10.53 kN/m2

Total load on landing portion              =        5.00 + 4.00                                                                                  =        9.00 kN/m2

Bending moment:-

Consider 1 m width of slab throughout the span


RB x 5.26 – 10.53 x 3.76 x 3.38 – 9.0 x 1.35 x 0.75 = 0

RB      =        27.17 kN

                    RA      =        25.82kN

Max shear force     =        27.17 kN

Shear force is zero at

=        27.17 / 25.82       

=        1.052 m from B

Maximum bending moment at 1.091 m from B

                              =        27.17 x 1.052 – 10.50 x 1.052 x 0.546

                              =        22.55 kNm

Factored bending moment

=        1.5 x 22.55

=        33.83kNm

Maximum shear force:-

Maximum shear force at support (Vu) = 27.26 kN

Depth of slab required:-

For balanced section of M25 grade concrete and fe415 steel.

Moment of resistance       = 0.138 fck bd2

                                        = 3.45 bd2

Design bending moment = 33.83kNm

Effective depth required =  (33.83 x 106) / (3.45 x 1000)

= 99.02mm

Assume effective cover    = 20mm

Over all depth required    = 119.02mm

Over all depth provided   = 119.02mm < 200mm

                              Hence it is safe.

Main reinforcement:-

Mu        =      0.87 fyAst180(1- (fyAst/fckbd))

33.83x 106       =      0.87 x 415 x Ast x 180(1- (415 x Ast / 25x1000x180))

Ast        =      547.34mm2

No of bar     =        547.34 /113.10 x 2.35    

                              =        11.37 nos Say 12nos

Provide 12 nos of 12mm dia bar in each flight.


          Area of steel required      =        0.12 % BD

                                                  =        216 mm2

Spacings                                    =        (50.26 x 1000) / 216

                                                  =        232 mm say 230mmc/c

Provide 8mm # bars @230mmc/c

Check for shear:-

          Design shear force                     =        1.5 x 27.26 = 40.89 KN

          Nominal shear stress         حv     =          Vu / bd

                                                            =        (40.89 x 103) / 1000 x 160

                                                            =        0.256 N/mm2

          Minimum value of permissible shear stress = 0.35 N/mm2

                              Hence safe against shear

Check for stiffness:-

                    Area of steel provided     =        12 x 113.10 = 1357.20 mm2

Percentage of steel           =        (1357.20 / (2350 x

180)) x100

                                                            =        0.321%

          Modification factor                    =        1.50

          Basic value                                =        20

Effective depth required for Stiffness =        5100 / (20 x 1.5)

=        170mm <180mm

                                        Hence it is safe.


Our project deals with planning, analysis and  design of shopping complex using STAAD Pro at Vadapalani, Chennai.

The shopping complex is designed with all necessary facilities such as shops, super markets, coffee shops, Food courts, offices, Escalators, Lifts etc., as per BIS specifications.

In this project, the Analysis of frame is done by stiffness matrix method using STAAD Pro. Software.

 Design of footings, columns, beams & slabs are done manually by limit state method as per IS456 – 2000, IS 1893-2002   and SP16.


1.    Theory of  structures

Dhahpat Rai & sons.                                                -Ramamrutham

2.    Design of Reinforce d concrete

Tata McGraw Hill                                                    - SN Sinha

3.    Indian standard code of practice for and

Reinforced Concrete IS: 456 – 2000

4.    Design Aids for Reinforced concrete to IS: 456 – 2000,

SP: 16-1978

5.    Design of Reinforced Structure                               - N. Krishnaraju

6.    Criteria for earth quake resistant,

Design of structures to IS: 1893 (part1):2002


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